He Says, She Says… Universal *Boinks*

Hello, Dear Reader:

Any fan of ‘The Three Stooges‘ knows that they had no difficulty getting their point across to each other.  We think they would have loved ‘Boinks‘!

For most of us, however, the Universe speaks in a much quieter voice.  There is a lovely Hindu poem, translated by Ravindra Kumar Karnani, that speaks well of this:

And A Meadow Lark Sang

The child whispered, “God, speak to me”
And a meadow lark sang.
The child did not hear.

So the child yelled, “God, speak to me!”
And the thunder rolled across the sky
But the child did not listen.

The child looked around and said,
“God let me see you” and a star shone brightly
But the child did not notice.

And the child shouted,
“God show me a miracle!”
And a life was born but the child did not know.

So the child cried out in despair,
“Touch me God, and let me know you are here!”
Whereupon God reached down
And touched the child.

But the child brushed the butterfly away
And walked away unknowingly.

For this week’s ‘He Says, She Says…‘ post we want to disuss the quiet voice that speaks to each of us from within.


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

He Says, She Says… The Symbol Makers

Hello Dear Reader:

If we asked you to define a symbol, the thoughts that might come to mind could include a logo for a company, an ancient pictograph or drawing, a number, a character or some other idea, but the truth is that everything in our world is symbolic.  Take a word like ‘cup’, ‘tree’, ‘car’, ‘sky’ or ‘money’ for example.  All bring to mind specific shapes, colours and ideas, specific symbols of ideas.  Even ‘time’ has its own symbology, as we understand time by its passing.

Here’s a quote from Seth:

“Objects are the symbols.

“You usually think of them simply as realities. You think of thoughts, images, and dreams sometimes as being symbolic of other things, but the truth is that physical objects are themselves symbols. They are the exterior symbols that stand for inner experience.

“There are, therefore, mass physical symbols upon which you all agree, as well as private, personal symbols. The whole nature and structure of physical life as you know it, is a symbolic statement made by groups of entities who choose to work with physical symbolism. So the body is a symbol for what you are, or what you think you are—and these may be two different things indeed.

“Any physical ailment is symbolic of an inner reality or statement. Your entire life is a statement in physical terms, written upon time as you understand it.

“Once you understand the symbolic nature of physical reality, then you will no longer feel entrapped by it. You have formed the symbols, and therefore you can change them. You must learn, of course, what the various symbols mean in your own life, and how to translate their meaning.

“To do so, you must first of all remind yourself frequently that the physical condition is symbolic—not a permanent condition. Then you must look within yourself for the inner actuality represented by the symbol. This same process can be followed regardless of the nature of the problem, or of your challenge.” ~ Seth Speaks, session 594.

If everything in our world is symbolic – the very fabric of our reality composed of individual and joint symbols – who then are the symbol makers?


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

He Says/ She Says … More than Enough

Hello Dear Ones!

Today’s topic came clearly and emphatically to both Mike and I this week. What each of us thought (independently of each other) to be a challenging belief, turned out to be a symptom or mask of an actual core belief. See if this resonates with you:

You are doing everything you sense is wise. You are living your true self.  You trust and follow through on your instincts and inspirations. You know that things should be moving along swimmingly and yet are finding things not flowing easily or synchronistically. In the short term, you try to let this go, finding ways to rationalize the discrepancy. However, as it continues over the longer term you begin to question what is occurring.  Something is not right. You look around for the source of the dichotomy between what you know should be unfolding and what is failing to appear, to manifest.

Over time, you begin to question your own role in the less-than-ideal outcomes. You start to doubt your instincts, insights and wisdom. You may get angry – at yourself, at situations or at the Divine … depending upon where you may be at that moment within your inner growth. You recognize this as the problem or challenge you need to overcome and  you are ready and willing to tackle it.

Sound familiar? Continue Reading →

Marcia’s Meanderings – Ah, to be a ‘stupid flower’!

Hello Dear Ones!

If you’ve been following my writings the past few weeks, this post will make immense sense. If you have not, may I suggest that you go back and read the following brief articles when you have time:

1.) A Crisis of Spirit
2.) Kicking & Screaming
3.) Insights from the Celestine Prophecy

The general gist of the above is about me going through a major spiritual crisis and the process of change and development that has since ensued in the weeks that followed. Yet another major life crisis arose this week resulting in a culmination of additional growth both emotionally and spiritually.

The past twelve years I have attempted to adopt a spiritual lifestyle more current with today’s new age phenomena (such as the Secret, the Law of Attraction, the counsel of Abraham, etc.). I have, however, recently realized that since the introduction of these newer philosophies, what I had innately lived all of my life – the magic and marvel of insights, inspirations and guided unfoldings – had begun absenting themselves more and more as I pursued these newer teachings.

With the additional crisis that arose this week, I have realized at my core that I no longer want to be responsible (the creator or co-creator) for the magic and unfolding of my life’s experiences. I do want to be a supportive and playful participant in all of the delicious and magical unfoldings as crafted by the Divine. Plain and simple. Continue Reading →

He Says, She Says… ‘Insights’ from the Celestine Prophecy

Hello, Dear Reader:

When James Redfield’s book ‘The Celestine Prophecy‘ came out in in the early 1990s, we bought two copies of it and read them avidly.  The ideas contained within the book added nicely to the stores of knowledge we already had.  Time went by like it always does, and over the years the ‘insights’ from that book were overlaid and integrated with that received from other sources.  We heard a few years ago that a movie had been made from the book, but we never saw it.

A week ago we were at the local library getting some children’s books for visiting family and we came across the DVD version of the movie ‘by chance’.  Intrigued, we checked it out and took it home to watch it.  The movie matched the book fairly well (at least in our memories), but coming across those ideas again sparked new thoughts for both of us.  So, without further ado we thought we’d make this week’s ‘He Says, She Says…‘ post, “‘Insights’ from the Celestine Prophecy“.


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

He Says, She Says… Letting Go

Hello, Dear Reader:

Mike received an e-mail from a friend yesterday with the following quote from Bashar:

“Healing is allowing, not making, not trying, not forcing: it is allowing. Just let go, relax the expectations. Relax the resistance and you automatically glide smoothly back to centre.”

If you’ve read our other blog posts recently you’ll know that we’ve both been uncovering and recovering from our own challenges.  With that in mind we thought we’d make the topic of this week’s ‘He Says, She Says…‘ post, “Letting Go“.


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

Marcia’s Meanderings – A Crisis of Spirit

Hello Dear Ones!

Reflecting back to the AHA moments in my life – and there have been so very many of them! – I smile at the ‘Wow and Wonderful’ uplifting qualities of these incredible experiences. Each has revealed some aspect within or about me and opened me up to the potential for expansion toward a deeper spiritual growth.  As each AHA arrived, so too came the joyous recognition that its arrival meant change, adventure, and amazing options …

… until this week …

Me – Marcia, the eternal optimist, the definitive Pollyanna – has gone through a radical, life-altering shift that has blasted a hole in my psyche and shaken my spirituality right down to its roots. A core belief was revealed through a simple statement that I made in general conversation. The listener asked me if I realized what I had just said, and repeated my words back to me. Hearing them from someone else and recognizing the validity of those words as having originated from within me, had me reeling in shock.

I have spent this entire week attempting to grapple with the impact of this far-reaching, gut-wrenching revelation. Even today – five days since that conversation – I am dealing with issues of anger, resentment, confusion, fear,  and doubt – all directed at my own self plus at my Self, and yes, even at the Divine! Maybe especially at the Divine!

As is typical for me, there is also a positive bent to this situation. I am spending quality time focusing on the fabulous aspects of my current life, appreciating what is in my reality and all that makes my life precious. Though the words ‘attempting to focus’ might be more appropriate at times, I find myself reaching out for hope while the spiritual tenet of trust remains … elusive.

So while I have an agonizing ache within my soul, while there is a sense of loss and longing and emptiness sitting heavily on my chest, while I seek out the answers that I know are not out ‘there’ somewhere but are buried deep within me to aid me through this leg of my spiritual journey, I am going through the motions of living life with appreciation and joy. One moment I am feeling so overwhelmingly victimized by the recognition and impact of this ‘old’ belief. The next moment I am laughing as I see an adult running through the sprinkler, arms spread and face uplifted to catch the water droplets on his tongue!

For those of you who hold to the Law of Attraction, my dichotomy of rock-bottom low vibrational frequency of negative expression contrasted with the sporadic and less frequent yet very positive high vibrational frequency must have the Divine in a tailspin! Good! Maybe it’ll shake out a solution more quickly!!!!!

I’ll get through this. I’m strong. I’m a powerful, spiritual, multi-dimensional being who has the wisdom of All That Is within me. I merely need to open myself up to recognizing my answer – the solution – before I trip over it and fall flat on my face. Blessings be to my sense of humour … especially in spite of myself …

That’s it for today, Dear Ones!

In Light and yes … even Laughter,


(Note:  It was a tough decision not to express to you what this core belief is. The effect it has had on me is of more significance to me and potentially to you, Dear Reader. After all, my core beliefs will be different from your own. And yet it is my wish that something in my physical, emotional and spiritual response to its revelation may be of assistance to you should you ever experience such a crisis of spirit in your own life.)

He Says, She Says… the True Nature of a Gift?

Hello, Dear Reader:

Well, we’re back from our self-imposed hiatus from ‘He Says, She Says…‘ posts; we’re awaiting the proof copy of Marcia’s new book from the printer.  Last night we were going through previous posts to determine what we’ve covered and realized that this is our 30th post in this category!

Every morning before we get out of bed we take a moment to ask each other about remembered dreams from the night before, and often one or the other of us will have a sequence to share or sometimes an idea or a thought that arose out of our nightly wanderings.  Here’s an example from a week ago: “Old fears make perfect soil in which to plant new dreams.“  This morning Mike awoke with the thought: “Understand the true nature of a gift.“  It reminded us of a blog post done by Seth Godin a couple of weeks ago titled, “Gifts, misunderstood.“  It’s well worth reading, in our opinion, as are all of Seth’s posts.  In his post Seth mentions O. Henry’s book ‘The Gift of the Magi‘, a Christmas story.  Although unmentioned, the movie ‘Pay it Forward‘ would also fit into this genre of gifting.

So, with that in mind we thought we’d make the topic of this week’s He Says, She Says… post, “The True Nature of a Gift?”


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

Marcia’s Meanderings – Children as Teachers

Hello Dear Ones!

As adults, we often hear what most of us don’t realize was originally a biblical expression: “Out of the mouths of babes.” The term is usually in reference to something a child has said or done that has adults amazed at the wisdom emanating from a tiny being, as yet untrained in things adults should know. We remark on such wisdom with awe, not giving much thought to the Source from which it comes. We all have the ability to tap into Divine knowledge and a knowing beyond our own human capacity, whether we be eight or eighty, or somewhere above, below or in between those ages.

This past weekend I had a profound experience that I wrote about in my She Says – Intrinsic or Extrinsic? post. Though I only mentioned some of my situation and the results that led to my writing that post, I had two additional teachings come as part of that overall experience, both of which came through children. Continue Reading →