He Says, She Says… The Symbol Makers

Hello Dear Reader:

If we asked you to define a symbol, the thoughts that might come to mind could include a logo for a company, an ancient pictograph or drawing, a number, a character or some other idea, but the truth is that everything in our world is symbolic.  Take a word like ‘cup’, ‘tree’, ‘car’, ‘sky’ or ‘money’ for example.  All bring to mind specific shapes, colours and ideas, specific symbols of ideas.  Even ‘time’ has its own symbology, as we understand time by its passing.

Here’s a quote from Seth:

“Objects are the symbols.

“You usually think of them simply as realities. You think of thoughts, images, and dreams sometimes as being symbolic of other things, but the truth is that physical objects are themselves symbols. They are the exterior symbols that stand for inner experience.

“There are, therefore, mass physical symbols upon which you all agree, as well as private, personal symbols. The whole nature and structure of physical life as you know it, is a symbolic statement made by groups of entities who choose to work with physical symbolism. So the body is a symbol for what you are, or what you think you are—and these may be two different things indeed.

“Any physical ailment is symbolic of an inner reality or statement. Your entire life is a statement in physical terms, written upon time as you understand it.

“Once you understand the symbolic nature of physical reality, then you will no longer feel entrapped by it. You have formed the symbols, and therefore you can change them. You must learn, of course, what the various symbols mean in your own life, and how to translate their meaning.

“To do so, you must first of all remind yourself frequently that the physical condition is symbolic—not a permanent condition. Then you must look within yourself for the inner actuality represented by the symbol. This same process can be followed regardless of the nature of the problem, or of your challenge.” ~ Seth Speaks, session 594.

If everything in our world is symbolic – the very fabric of our reality composed of individual and joint symbols – who then are the symbol makers?


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

He Says, She Says…

Greetings, Dear Reader!

Thanks so much for stopping by!!

If you’ve read these posts before, you’ll know that every Sunday Marcia and Mike pick a common topic and write about it individually.  Neither reads the other’s posts until both are finished.  The title for this week’s talk, ‘The Elephant in the Room‘, comes from a post written by journalist Robert Scoble during his time at the 2010 TED Conference in Long Beach, CA.  You can read his article here: The elephants in the room at TED.  The ‘elephant’ in this case is money.  Those having taken a vow of poverty aside, money is often among the most challenging of ideas held by many if not most people.   It doesn’t matter if you are a street person, a corporate executive or a subsistence farmer, or whether the currency is dollars, pounds, rubles, kroner, baht, pesos, rand or yen.  Both Marcia and Mike have been included in this, at least at times.

The title of this week’s post came from Robert Scoble, but the inspiration for this week’s post came from our wise and wondrous friend, Samantha Standish and a series of blog posts she has written recently on her ‘I Am Pollyana‘ blog.  Our thanks to her and to the many, many people who have been and continue to be our guides, our teachers and our friends.


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View.