Mike’s Writings X

Hi Folks:

Although Marcia and I have been keeping up pretty well with the disparate areas of our blog, there has been one section that hasn’t been given much attention: my ‘Mike’s Writings‘ section.  In fact, I haven’t posted anything here for over three months.  I mentioned this briefly in an e-mail I sent recently to a friend, and that got me thinking about this area of our blog again.  Here’s a part of what I wrote:

“Anyway, I’ve also been doing a lot of my own writing.  It’s interesting, but I used to write solely for me – then I found myself sending out some of my writings to a select group of people – so a year ago I bought a laptop so I could type directly instead of writing everything out by hand first.  Then I put some of my writings on our blog… but it all became too public for me.  Earlier this year I read ‘Eat Pray Love’ and in that book she mentioned that she has a notebook just for her most private conversations, so I bought one and began writing in that while simultaneously doing some of my more public writing.  Then I gave that up and now I mostly just write for myself again, although I do read much of what I write to Marcia.  There’s a different feel to writing thoughts out by hand, although it definitely takes longer.  It feels more private, I think.”

Shortly after that I wrote the following in my journal, which further expanded on what I was experiencing.  I am going to share that section here, in its entirety… Continue Reading →

Mike’s Writings IX

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Welcome back.  Well, I’m going to continue on with some more of my archived writings.  I did want to mention that these posts are (mostly) in chronological order, so if you want to read any particular post that’s certainly fine with me, but if you want to read all of them, you’d be best to read them in order from the original post on December 8, 2009 and work your way forward from there.  Entirely up to you of course!

Mike. Continue Reading →

Mike’s Writings VIII

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Welcome back.  I’ve recently received several more ‘Future Me‘ posts from last year, so I’m going to continue on from my last writings post…

Mike. Continue Reading →

Mike’s Writings VI

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I haven’t posted any of my writings for some time now; no reason except a lack of time, and as the saying goes, there are 168 hours in the week – what you do with them is up to you!  Anyway, I’m going to add some more of my archived writings for the reason mentioned above, but I think there’s some good stuff in there.  Before I do I wanted to add one comment.  I used to do a fair number of talks on spirituality and other things, and before I began my talks I always mentioned two things.  First, I asked the people in the audience to put away their pens, paper, computers, etc. and just listen, because if your brain can’t do two jobs at the same time.  If you’re trying to write and listen at the same time, one or both are going to lose out.  Second, I told everyone not to believe a single word I said… at least not until they each took the time to absorb the information and decide for themselves, “This much I like, this I can agree with.  This part I’m not sure about; I’m going to have to think about this for a bit.  This part isn’t for me, at least not for now.  I’m going to set this part aside.”  I think it’s vital that each of us do that with everything we experience.  It’s very easy to accept something as true because someone said it or you read it in a book or saw it on the ‘net or the late movies, but what’s more important, at least to me, is to decide how this information resonates within you.  Seth said:

“You must realize that any idea you accept as truth is a belief that you hold. You must, then, take the next step and say, ‘It is not necessarily true even though I believe it.’ You will, I hope, learn to disregard all beliefs that imply basic limitations.” ~ The Nature of Personal Reality, session 614.

Of course, you’re welcome to disagree with both of us!


Here’s a look at my writings: Continue Reading →

Mike’s Writings V

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Welcome back.  I’ve had several new ideas come to me lately, but I haven’t yet taken the time to write them down.  I wanted to add in some more information from last year because often when I read stuff from ‘Future Me‘ I find that what I’m writing about now is very similar to things I wrote a year ago.  Sometimes I get upset at that because I feel that I’m still going over the same ground over and over again and not getting anywhere, but other times I figure that I’m now looking at these issues from an entirely new perspective.  As Tom Brown Jr. says, it’s important not to get caught in the rut of ‘the same old thing’.  So, in my recent writings I’ve been writing a lot about joy and experiencing life as joy, and when I look back a year I see that I was writing about joy then too.  Each time I approach this it seems like a new discovery.  Maybe it is…

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Mike’s Writings III

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Welcome back.  As with my last writings post, I’m going to dip into my ‘Future Me‘ archives.  The following contains an excerpt from a book by Melody Lawson, and an interview between Chris Atwood and Shore Slocum.  It also contains more of my random mental wanderings.  It’s funny, but since Marcia and I started this blog, I haven’t had much time to do any ‘writing’ of my own!  😉


P.S.  I wrote before about how I came to share my writings with the world at large.  I was reminded the other day about this quote from ‘The Gospel of Thomas’:

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

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Mike’s Writings II

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Welcome back.  As with my last writings post, I’m going to dip into my ‘Future Me‘ archives.  The following contains some great quotes from others that really made a difference for me…

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Mike’s Writings

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Dum de dum dum…

Okay, welcome back!

As it happens, my writings for the past couple of months have been rather disjointed, and until I have time to rope them into line I’m not going to share them with anybody.  However, in one of my first blog posts I mentioned a site called ‘Future Me‘, that I appreciate greatly and use quite regularly.  I’ve recently received some ‘Future Me’ posts from last year, so I thought maybe I’d start with those.  Sometimes I look back on what I wrote a year ago and realize how far I’ve come on certain topics, and other times I find I’m still looking at the same things, albeit perhaps from a different perspective.

Without further ado, here are some of my writings from last year…

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