Marcia’s Meanderings – Children as Teachers

Hello Dear Ones!

As adults, we often hear what most of us don’t realize was originally a biblical expression: “Out of the mouths of babes.” The term is usually in reference to something a child has said or done that has adults amazed at the wisdom emanating from a tiny being, as yet untrained in things adults should know. We remark on such wisdom with awe, not giving much thought to the Source from which it comes. We all have the ability to tap into Divine knowledge and a knowing beyond our own human capacity, whether we be eight or eighty, or somewhere above, below or in between those ages.

This past weekend I had a profound experience that I wrote about in my She Says – Intrinsic or Extrinsic? post. Though I only mentioned some of my situation and the results that led to my writing that post, I had two additional teachings come as part of that overall experience, both of which came through children. Continue Reading →

Mike’s Writings IX

Hi There:

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Welcome back.  Well, I’m going to continue on with some more of my archived writings.  I did want to mention that these posts are (mostly) in chronological order, so if you want to read any particular post that’s certainly fine with me, but if you want to read all of them, you’d be best to read them in order from the original post on December 8, 2009 and work your way forward from there.  Entirely up to you of course!

Mike. Continue Reading →