He Says, She Says… The Symbol Makers

Hello Dear Reader:

If we asked you to define a symbol, the thoughts that might come to mind could include a logo for a company, an ancient pictograph or drawing, a number, a character or some other idea, but the truth is that everything in our world is symbolic.  Take a word like ‘cup’, ‘tree’, ‘car’, ‘sky’ or ‘money’ for example.  All bring to mind specific shapes, colours and ideas, specific symbols of ideas.  Even ‘time’ has its own symbology, as we understand time by its passing.

Here’s a quote from Seth:

“Objects are the symbols.

“You usually think of them simply as realities. You think of thoughts, images, and dreams sometimes as being symbolic of other things, but the truth is that physical objects are themselves symbols. They are the exterior symbols that stand for inner experience.

“There are, therefore, mass physical symbols upon which you all agree, as well as private, personal symbols. The whole nature and structure of physical life as you know it, is a symbolic statement made by groups of entities who choose to work with physical symbolism. So the body is a symbol for what you are, or what you think you are—and these may be two different things indeed.

“Any physical ailment is symbolic of an inner reality or statement. Your entire life is a statement in physical terms, written upon time as you understand it.

“Once you understand the symbolic nature of physical reality, then you will no longer feel entrapped by it. You have formed the symbols, and therefore you can change them. You must learn, of course, what the various symbols mean in your own life, and how to translate their meaning.

“To do so, you must first of all remind yourself frequently that the physical condition is symbolic—not a permanent condition. Then you must look within yourself for the inner actuality represented by the symbol. This same process can be followed regardless of the nature of the problem, or of your challenge.” ~ Seth Speaks, session 594.

If everything in our world is symbolic – the very fabric of our reality composed of individual and joint symbols – who then are the symbol makers?


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

He Says, She Says… Intrinsic or Extrinsic?

Hello, Dear Reader:

How do we measure the true value of something – is it intrinsic or extrinsic?  According to Wikipedia:

Intrinsic value is an ethical and philosophic property. It is the ethical or philosophic value that an object has “in itself” or “for its own sake”, as an intrinsic property. An object with intrinsic value may be regarded as an end or end-in-itself.

Extrinsic value is the idea that something has value only because of outside factors. It is an end to a means.  Work is, by many, considered to have extrinsic value. We work because we need money in order to survive.

With that in mind we thought we’d take on ‘value’ as the subject of this week’s ‘He Says, She Says…‘ post.


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

He Says, She Says… The Authentic Self

Hello, Dear Reader:

Who are you, really?  Are you who you pretend to be, or are you being your truest self?  Seth wrote:

“The natural person is to be found, now, not in the past or in the present, but beneath layers and layers of official beliefs, so you are dealing with an archaeology of beliefs to find the person who creates beliefs to begin with. As I have said often, evidence of clairvoyance, telepathy, or whatever, are not eccentric, isolated instances occurring in man’s experience, but are representative of natural patterns of everyday behavior that become invisible in your world because of the official picture of behavior and reality.” ~ The Magical Approach, session ten.

It’s with this in mind that we’re going to dive into this week’s ‘He Says, She Says…‘ post, ‘The Authentic Self’.

After all… “Don’t be afraid to touch, to feel, to show emotion. The easiest thing in the world is to be what you are” ~ Leo Buscaglia


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

Marcia’s Meanderings – The Mundane

This is the task you have chosen. To live the magical in the world of the mundane.

You know in your hearts that you are unwilling to succumb to the mundane. You know in your hearts that you have chosen this challenge because you needed to restore your faith in yourselves, and in the never ending creative process from which you spring. For you could not, through your rational mind, endeavor to accomplish any of the things which you hold important – you could not write, you could not sing, you could not paint, and you certainly could not create your reality.

~ Conscious Creation

Hello Dear Ones!

Have you ever watched an 87 year old man slide a light bulb into one of his socks till it fills out the tip of the sock where his toes would nestle and where a gaping hole can be seen? With wool thread – not necessarily the same colour as his sock – a sewing needle and the light bulb as the base for his endeavours, he proceeds to weave back and forth. His patient and persistent process results in a neat, fully functional and hardly visible patch of ‘cloth’ occupying the vacant space where once a toenail had pierced through. He has just extended the life of his sock.

Observing this process, you experience a sense of calm – both within the man as he works diligently, and within yourself as the observer. Similar mundane processes can be seen in many day-to-day activities: a woman spends several hours ironing and neatly hanging and folding clothes; a construction worker methodically ties the laces on his work books; a small child with two Dinky cars and a patch of floor keeps him/herself amused for more than an hour.

It is more likely that you can see the magical potential in the child’s behaviour than in the other options described above. After all, we tell ourselves, children have amazing imaginations! What about adults? Do we have fabulous imaginations as well? Do you? Continue Reading →