Quality vs Quantity

Hello Dear Ones!

Ever make plans to do something big, and then… at the last moment… change your mind? That’s what I’m here to write about today.

This past week ~ Monday to Friday ~ I reopened my Marcia’s Meanderings blog post for new entries. Nine years since my last foray into this venue, it felt right to jump back in! I was so excited by the idea, that I felt I could easily write a post every weekday if I kept each one brief.

Monday to Wednesday, topics flowed.

Then came Thursday, and I was uncertain what to write. It took me till almost 6pm to decide a topic that might be of some interest to my prospective readers. Finally grabbing a theme, by playing my very own Glad Game, the Pollyanna Takes Centre Stage post crafted itself into existence.

On Friday, the same situation. No topic. Nothing that inspired me to share with you. Later in the day, though, a playful interaction with a fellow Twitter poet prompted the Poetry at Play post. Up until then I had been considering merely sending out a replay of one of my favourite posts from many years ago. I’m certain that would have been well received, but it felt wrong, somehow.

Over the weekend, I reconsidered my decision to provide what possibly could have become 5 wussy posts per week. What good would quantity be if there was no value? Value is what I wanted for you, and for myself. Quite honestly, I was feeling I didn’t need the added stress and pressure. I don’t do well with obligation.

So, what would work to provide a comfortably paced and successful return to blogging? My goal was to create a quality post that could be of value to you, the reader. Once a week had worked well back those 9+ years ago. It felt right to return to that format.

Quality vs quantity.

Having written that simple phrase, has me wondering now what other areas of my life might benefit from a similar perspective. I have a feeling I’m writing this post as much for myself, as I am for you!

Are there any aspects of your life that might benefit from a perspective of quality enrichment? Do share! Leave a note in the comments below to let me know!

Looking ahead, watch for my Marcia’s Meanderings posts every Monday!

In Light and Laughter,



Being Green: The Value of Conservation

Hi Folks:

Friday once again, and time for this week’s ‘Being Green‘ post!  In last week’s post I referenced an article titled, “World’s ‘Greenest’ Home? It Depends on What You Mean by Green“.  One of the homes mentioned in the article includes:

A California couple, whom The Atlantic magazine has featured in their quest to build “the world’s greenest home” — a five-bedroom, 5,600-square-foot house with solar panels strong enough to charge five electric cars, power the house and return energy to the grid.


Solar panels and other features let some trendy houses produce enough of their own energy that they actually sell power back to the energy company, which is nifty. Yet a person vying to live in the world’s “greenest” house could theoretically load it up with big-screen TVs and other less-than-efficient appliances, then write a mega-check to put solar panels all over the roof. But the resources consumed would belie the “green” label.

“You can get to net-zero just by writing a check,” notes Roberts. “There’s something a little off about that.”

For the most part I agree with the author of this post and was going to write a comment to that effect but wasn’t quite sure how to phrase it.  The answer came from a webinar I watched this week. Continue Reading →

He Says, She Says… Free?

Hello, Dear Reader:

What does the word ‘free’ mean to you?  Is it a word that implies value, such as ‘freedom’, or ‘free will’, or is it something that denotes no value, as in ‘Free to Good Home’?  The word freedom itself can mean freedom from something like oppression, or it can mean having freedom of expression.  Or, as in the immortal words of Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster, is ‘Freedom just another word for nothing left to lose’?  The word ‘free’ seems to have many contradictions, and so for this week’s ‘He Says, She Says…‘ post we thought we’d address when something is ‘Free?


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

He Says, She Says… Intrinsic or Extrinsic?

Hello, Dear Reader:

How do we measure the true value of something – is it intrinsic or extrinsic?  According to Wikipedia:

Intrinsic value is an ethical and philosophic property. It is the ethical or philosophic value that an object has “in itself” or “for its own sake”, as an intrinsic property. An object with intrinsic value may be regarded as an end or end-in-itself.

Extrinsic value is the idea that something has value only because of outside factors. It is an end to a means.  Work is, by many, considered to have extrinsic value. We work because we need money in order to survive.

With that in mind we thought we’d take on ‘value’ as the subject of this week’s ‘He Says, She Says…‘ post.


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

He Says, She Says… Who Needs Ya, Baby?

Hello, Dear Reader:

Who do you have in your life that needs you?  How do you feel about this?  Feels good to be needed, doesn’t it?  But what if nobody needed you… how would you feel about that?  Not so good?  Is it because you need to be needed?  This week we thought we’d explore this idea of ‘needs’, both being needed and being needy.  After all, Who Needs Ya, Baby?

Have a great week!


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

He Says, She Says…

Greetings, Dear Reader!

Thanks so much for stopping by!!

If you’ve read these posts before, you’ll know that every Sunday Marcia and Mike pick a common topic and write about it individually.  Neither reads the other’s posts until both are finished.  The title for this week’s talk, ‘The Elephant in the Room‘, comes from a post written by journalist Robert Scoble during his time at the 2010 TED Conference in Long Beach, CA.  You can read his article here: The elephants in the room at TED.  The ‘elephant’ in this case is money.  Those having taken a vow of poverty aside, money is often among the most challenging of ideas held by many if not most people.   It doesn’t matter if you are a street person, a corporate executive or a subsistence farmer, or whether the currency is dollars, pounds, rubles, kroner, baht, pesos, rand or yen.  Both Marcia and Mike have been included in this, at least at times.

The title of this week’s post came from Robert Scoble, but the inspiration for this week’s post came from our wise and wondrous friend, Samantha Standish and a series of blog posts she has written recently on her ‘I Am Pollyana‘ blog.  Our thanks to her and to the many, many people who have been and continue to be our guides, our teachers and our friends.


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View.