He Says, She Says… When Dreams Do NOT Come True

Hello, Dear Reader:

A desire arose within Marcia four weeks ago. An ad appeared in the employment section of the local newspaper requesting applications for a position Marcia had both the skill and the passion to tackle. She felt it a perfect job fit and a truly outstanding role. Thoughts of moving into this role had her excited! The added advantage of a more remunerative wage than her current position offered, plus medical benefits and other perks had her submitting her revised resume with a very wisely worded, professional cover letter.

She got an interview. In fact, she was the first to be interviewed by a 3-person panel. It went outstandingly well. Marcia felt she set the bar high for all other candidates being considered. As she had been taught and because it felt right, she then sent an e-mail to all 3 interviewers the day after the interview to thank them for their time, their expressed interest and the pleasure and privilege it was for her to have shared with them and learned from them during the process.

Due to a large number of qualified candidates and a week’s unavoidable absence by one of the interviewers, there was a two week wait to hear the results. By the  Thursday of the second week, Marcia thought (at Mike’s wise suggestion) to send a  “Thanks for taking the time to interview me, I’m still interested …” e-mail to each of the 3 interviewers. She was in the midst of composing this e-mail when the telephone rang. Continue Reading →

Marcia’s Meanderings – Ah, to be a ‘stupid flower’!

Hello Dear Ones!

If you’ve been following my writings the past few weeks, this post will make immense sense. If you have not, may I suggest that you go back and read the following brief articles when you have time:

1.) A Crisis of Spirit
2.) Kicking & Screaming
3.) Insights from the Celestine Prophecy

The general gist of the above is about me going through a major spiritual crisis and the process of change and development that has since ensued in the weeks that followed. Yet another major life crisis arose this week resulting in a culmination of additional growth both emotionally and spiritually.

The past twelve years I have attempted to adopt a spiritual lifestyle more current with today’s new age phenomena (such as the Secret, the Law of Attraction, the counsel of Abraham, etc.). I have, however, recently realized that since the introduction of these newer philosophies, what I had innately lived all of my life – the magic and marvel of insights, inspirations and guided unfoldings – had begun absenting themselves more and more as I pursued these newer teachings.

With the additional crisis that arose this week, I have realized at my core that I no longer want to be responsible (the creator or co-creator) for the magic and unfolding of my life’s experiences. I do want to be a supportive and playful participant in all of the delicious and magical unfoldings as crafted by the Divine. Plain and simple. Continue Reading →

He Says, She Says… ‘Insights’ from the Celestine Prophecy

Hello, Dear Reader:

When James Redfield’s book ‘The Celestine Prophecy‘ came out in in the early 1990s, we bought two copies of it and read them avidly.  The ideas contained within the book added nicely to the stores of knowledge we already had.  Time went by like it always does, and over the years the ‘insights’ from that book were overlaid and integrated with that received from other sources.  We heard a few years ago that a movie had been made from the book, but we never saw it.

A week ago we were at the local library getting some children’s books for visiting family and we came across the DVD version of the movie ‘by chance’.  Intrigued, we checked it out and took it home to watch it.  The movie matched the book fairly well (at least in our memories), but coming across those ideas again sparked new thoughts for both of us.  So, without further ado we thought we’d make this week’s ‘He Says, She Says…‘ post, “‘Insights’ from the Celestine Prophecy“.


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

Marcia’s Meanderings – Co-Creative Partnering

Hello Dear Ones!

Today’s topic came to me as my niece was driving her family (including her two-year-old son) plus Mike and I to a touristy event up-Island. All five of us (and the car-seat) crammed into what really was a four-seater vehicle. Yet we made it there and back safely in addition to having a terrific outing!

Why the topic? In my understanding of the Law of Attraction and other such subtle spiritual sciences, each of us individually, plus all of us combined in that wee car, had co-created the experience and were living out the outcome of that co-creativity. The day was glorious!

Is this always the result of interactions with the people in our lives? You may likely be screaming out a “not on your life!” Even when we attempt to live this type of life daily, there are times – moments, hours, days – when the actions and reactions of others drive us to distraction! Continue Reading →

Marcia’s Meanderings – A Crisis of Spirit

Hello Dear Ones!

Reflecting back to the AHA moments in my life – and there have been so very many of them! – I smile at the ‘Wow and Wonderful’ uplifting qualities of these incredible experiences. Each has revealed some aspect within or about me and opened me up to the potential for expansion toward a deeper spiritual growth.  As each AHA arrived, so too came the joyous recognition that its arrival meant change, adventure, and amazing options …

… until this week …

Me – Marcia, the eternal optimist, the definitive Pollyanna – has gone through a radical, life-altering shift that has blasted a hole in my psyche and shaken my spirituality right down to its roots. A core belief was revealed through a simple statement that I made in general conversation. The listener asked me if I realized what I had just said, and repeated my words back to me. Hearing them from someone else and recognizing the validity of those words as having originated from within me, had me reeling in shock.

I have spent this entire week attempting to grapple with the impact of this far-reaching, gut-wrenching revelation. Even today – five days since that conversation – I am dealing with issues of anger, resentment, confusion, fear,  and doubt – all directed at my own self plus at my Self, and yes, even at the Divine! Maybe especially at the Divine!

As is typical for me, there is also a positive bent to this situation. I am spending quality time focusing on the fabulous aspects of my current life, appreciating what is in my reality and all that makes my life precious. Though the words ‘attempting to focus’ might be more appropriate at times, I find myself reaching out for hope while the spiritual tenet of trust remains … elusive.

So while I have an agonizing ache within my soul, while there is a sense of loss and longing and emptiness sitting heavily on my chest, while I seek out the answers that I know are not out ‘there’ somewhere but are buried deep within me to aid me through this leg of my spiritual journey, I am going through the motions of living life with appreciation and joy. One moment I am feeling so overwhelmingly victimized by the recognition and impact of this ‘old’ belief. The next moment I am laughing as I see an adult running through the sprinkler, arms spread and face uplifted to catch the water droplets on his tongue!

For those of you who hold to the Law of Attraction, my dichotomy of rock-bottom low vibrational frequency of negative expression contrasted with the sporadic and less frequent yet very positive high vibrational frequency must have the Divine in a tailspin! Good! Maybe it’ll shake out a solution more quickly!!!!!

I’ll get through this. I’m strong. I’m a powerful, spiritual, multi-dimensional being who has the wisdom of All That Is within me. I merely need to open myself up to recognizing my answer – the solution – before I trip over it and fall flat on my face. Blessings be to my sense of humour … especially in spite of myself …

That’s it for today, Dear Ones!

In Light and yes … even Laughter,


(Note:  It was a tough decision not to express to you what this core belief is. The effect it has had on me is of more significance to me and potentially to you, Dear Reader. After all, my core beliefs will be different from your own. And yet it is my wish that something in my physical, emotional and spiritual response to its revelation may be of assistance to you should you ever experience such a crisis of spirit in your own life.)

He Says, She Says… Expectations

Hello, Dear Reader:

If you follow the idea of ’cause and effect’, then everything that happens has a reason behind it, and everything we do will have some result.  Every cause creates an effect, and every effect has a cause behind it.  Often when we set out on a path we discover unexpected events or circumstances, but with everything we say, everything we do, and everything we imagine, we ‘expect’ something.

WorldNet Search defines ‘expectation’ as:

If you follow the ideas of ‘Law of Attraction‘, then all of our expectations are fulfilled; it’s just that sometimes we’re not aware of what our expectations truly are.  Expectation can sometimes be a loaded word, especially if we find a disconnect between what we ‘want’ to happen, and what we ‘expect’ to happen.  Therefore, for this week’s ‘He Says, She Says…‘ post we thought we’d discuss ‘Expectations‘.

Have a great week!


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

Marcia’s Meanderings – Contrasts and Choices

Is it possible to be the visionary and the actionary of your own life? Not only possible, it’s the way most of you intended it to be. It’s the best of all worlds. What can be more exhilarating than to find a dream from the contrast, to fixate on the dream and let it give you pleasure as it grows, and then to watch Law of Attraction bring it into manifestation while you help with your action? Does it get any better than that? You didn’t think so as you made the decision to come forth into these physical bodies. You said, “This is the best time in all eternity for a Creator to Create.”  Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, KS on Sunday, September 27th, 1998 #390

Hello Dear Ones!

The above quote arrived in my e-mail inbox this morning. During the night I had awakened to thoughts of what I’d write about in this week’s post. The fact that this quote and my nightly inspiration were a perfect match confirmed for me that the topic was appropriate. Synchronicities like this add to the scope and dimension of my life. Love it!

Topic at the ready, I’m sitting here not quite knowing where to start. Originally my topic was to be solely about choices. To make a choice, one needs to have thoughts or things from which to choose. In the above quote Abraham talks about being a ‘visionary’, an ‘actionary’ by finding ‘a dream from the contrast.’ A good place from which to step out. Stepping out into contrast. Contrast: a good place from which to begin. Continue Reading →

He Says, She Says…

Hello, Dear Reader!

Well, as we mentioned last Sunday, our new grandson made his way into the world a little over a week ago.  He has an older sibling so this is our second grandchild, but we also have a great-nephew.  His mother is Mike’s niece, but she’s more like a daughter to him.  That got us thinking about family and what it means to be a family, so that’s the topic for our post this week.

Have a great week!

M&M (Grandy and Gandalf – Have you seen our picture?)

Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View.