Marcia’s Meanderings: From Anger to Forgiveness of Self

Hello Dear Ones!

A friend has a deck of meditation cards. You shuffle them while considering a question you want answered or an issue or emotion you want clarified. Since yesterday’s decision to no longer wear the mask of anger (see my blog post Anger = Fear, Masked) I wanted to know where to step next – what direction to take to heal this issue further. The wording on the card was generally this:

“Forgiveness is for you and you alone.” Continue Reading →

Marcia’s Meanderings – Gratitude & Appreciation

Hello Dear Ones!

The day, water, sun, moon, night…I do not have to purchase these things with money.

The above quote is such an inspiring one for me. It helps me to recognize the abundance of all good and wonderful things that there are in my life – ones I do not require money to purchase, yet that enrich my life immeasurably.

Here’s another quote with the same focus:

We don’t want things, people, or events. We want the feeling we mistake them for.”
Cindy Teevens from Twitter

When I look around me at the people, things and experiences that bless my life, I can’t help but to be grateful. I am so appreciative of all the bounty and the beauty around me; so fortunate to have such incredible people sharing their lives and walking with me on this journey called life. Many of you I will never meet in person. You bless my days remotely via the internet – through Twitter and Facebook.

There are days when I’m feeling grumpy or frightened or angry or less than abundant or … and on those days it is so easy to see the dark side of life rather than the bounty and the blessings; to see the glass as half empty rather than full – one 1/2 with the fluid of your choice, the other 1/2 with air! It takes less time these days to get to a place of feeling better – that in itself is a true blessing! It used to take days, weeks; there was even a time when I went months in a state of despair. That was a world and a lifetime ago. I am grateful every day that those days are long behind me. (BTW: I used to spell grateful – greatful! After all I was filled with the greatness of wonder and appreciation!) Continue Reading →

He Says, She Says… Expectations

Hello, Dear Reader:

If you follow the idea of ’cause and effect’, then everything that happens has a reason behind it, and everything we do will have some result.  Every cause creates an effect, and every effect has a cause behind it.  Often when we set out on a path we discover unexpected events or circumstances, but with everything we say, everything we do, and everything we imagine, we ‘expect’ something.

WorldNet Search defines ‘expectation’ as:

If you follow the ideas of ‘Law of Attraction‘, then all of our expectations are fulfilled; it’s just that sometimes we’re not aware of what our expectations truly are.  Expectation can sometimes be a loaded word, especially if we find a disconnect between what we ‘want’ to happen, and what we ‘expect’ to happen.  Therefore, for this week’s ‘He Says, She Says…‘ post we thought we’d discuss ‘Expectations‘.

Have a great week!


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View