Yes, Most Definitely!

Hello Dear Ones!

Once upon a time… a long long while ago…

Thinking it had been about 4 years since my last Marcia’s Meanderings, you can imagine my shock at discovering it has been 9 years… 9 very unique for all of us years…

Some of you reading today’s post will have read other of my writings. Many of you will be new to my work and words. Welcome to you all! Thank you for stopping by!

Since my intention today is to reestablish a brief daily connection, it will be just that… brief! And, as with everything I write, it will be heartfelt, positive and inspirational.

What has prompted me to connect with you in this fashion? Why today?

Every single morning, before I have my coffee or open my cell phone, I write. Referred to as ‘Morning Pages’ per Julia Cameron in her book ‘The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity’, this daily routine began for me on July 24th, 2019… before Covid-19. And the other day I returned to reading what I had written back then.

You might (or perhaps might not) imagine my response to my own words, experiences, emotions, growth…

During those readings I began to consider how others may relate to some of what I’ve been ~ not going through ~ but growing through.

Promising to keep these posts short, I’ll close for now and will write again tomorrow with some meaty material.

In Light and Laughter,


Interested in knowing more about the posts I tend to write? Check the link below for that last entry from February 2010.

Marcia’s Meanderings ~ Most Definitely!


Happy Birthday to Us!

Hi Folks:

Well, today marks our blog’s 5th Birthday! We’ll be toddling off to Kindergarten soon, although we’ll have to maneuver the process of registration with the local school boards… maybe something online instead… Hmmm… 🙂

Anyway, we wanted to take a moment to say thank you to you, our readers for continuing to drop by our little corner of the ‘net, for your shares and your wonderful comments. You’re the reason we write this stuff, after all! In the past 5 years we’ve had nearly 78,000 sessions, with over 110,000 page views from people in 177 countries. That may be small by some standards, but it’s absolutely incredible to Us!

Above all, thanks for you! Creare diem!!


Happy Birthday to Us!

Happy Birthday to Us!

(we didn’t actually buy a cake for our blog’s birthday – young’uns and too much sugar, you know – so I had to borrow an image from one of Marcia’s)

One Year Later…

Hello, Dear Reader:

Well, it’s November 23rd, which means that our little corner of the ‘net, M&M’s Musings, was launched one year ago today.  In the past year we’ve published 246 blog posts in a dozen different categories, and compiled 130 pages.  Some of those pages relate to creative stories that we’d already written, but there’s also our ‘Twitter‘ page on social networking sites and most of the pages relate to our weekly ‘He Says, She Says…‘ posts.  Has it been worth it?  Well, it’s been both a challenge and a delight to us at different times, depending on the subject we’ve taken on.  Is it worth it for you?  We certainly trust that it is, and we’ll keep doing our best to keep our posts current, informative, and maybe even a little bit fun.  We’ve received some wonderful comments from people on the content here, and we appreciate everyone who takes the time to come by and visit with us.  We look forward to seeing you again soon!


P.S.  Many thanks to our son Nick for setting this up for us! (It didn’t take TOO much prodding to get us started…)