Happy Birthday to Us!

Hi Folks:

Well, today marks our blog’s 5th Birthday! We’ll be toddling off to Kindergarten soon, although we’ll have to maneuver the process of registration with the local school boards… maybe something online instead… Hmmm… 🙂

Anyway, we wanted to take a moment to say thank you to you, our readers for continuing to drop by our little corner of the ‘net, for your shares and your wonderful comments. You’re the reason we write this stuff, after all! In the past 5 years we’ve had nearly 78,000 sessions, with over 110,000 page views from people in 177 countries. That may be small by some standards, but it’s absolutely incredible to Us!

Above all, thanks for you! Creare diem!!


Happy Birthday to Us!

Happy Birthday to Us!

(we didn’t actually buy a cake for our blog’s birthday – young’uns and too much sugar, you know – so I had to borrow an image from one of Marcia’s)

2 Replies to “Happy Birthday to Us!”

  1. Worzelodd

    Five wonderful years, congrats, may The Collected wisdom last as long and bring such whimsy and delight. Never when to Kindy and look how I turned out. Much large love. Miss Worzelodd.


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