Well, as of about two hours ago, we bounced out into the electronic world, screaming loudly as the electrons filled our collective lungs…
“Now what?” you ask? Good question! Really makes us wish we had an answer… As with any sentient being we’ll learn to feed ourselves, learn to ‘walk’ (should we let our fingers do the walking?) and talk and… which button changes the diapers? Oh well. We’ll figure it out as we go along.
So, thank you for being patient with us as we begin to navigate our way through this new world of ours. We’re looking forward to the adventure, and trust you are too!
Marcia and Mike.
Hey Mike, and Marcia,
Despite my ‘current difficulties with seeing properly what I am typing here’, I will most certainly make an effort to congratulate you on the opening of this site on musings!
And I do hope – though I’m sure that it will – that it shall grow out to be a big one yet!
Much love, many hugs, in anticipation of many musings,
Bless you, Sylvia, for being our very first visitor!!
Come back again soon, and we’ll have more exciting ‘stuff’ for you to read!
Congratulations on your new venture. How exciting and a perfect fit for the pair of you.
Looking forward to many enquiring visits and musings
Smiling thinking of you-as always