Quality vs Quantity

Hello Dear Ones!

Ever make plans to do something big, and then… at the last moment… change your mind? That’s what I’m here to write about today.

This past week ~ Monday to Friday ~ I reopened my Marcia’s Meanderings blog post for new entries. Nine years since my last foray into this venue, it felt right to jump back in! I was so excited by the idea, that I felt I could easily write a post every weekday if I kept each one brief.

Monday to Wednesday, topics flowed.

Then came Thursday, and I was uncertain what to write. It took me till almost 6pm to decide a topic that might be of some interest to my prospective readers. Finally grabbing a theme, by playing my very own Glad Game, the Pollyanna Takes Centre Stage post crafted itself into existence.

On Friday, the same situation. No topic. Nothing that inspired me to share with you. Later in the day, though, a playful interaction with a fellow Twitter poet prompted the Poetry at Play post. Up until then I had been considering merely sending out a replay of one of my favourite posts from many years ago. I’m certain that would have been well received, but it felt wrong, somehow.

Over the weekend, I reconsidered my decision to provide what possibly could have become 5 wussy posts per week. What good would quantity be if there was no value? Value is what I wanted for you, and for myself. Quite honestly, I was feeling I didn’t need the added stress and pressure. I don’t do well with obligation.

So, what would work to provide a comfortably paced and successful return to blogging? My goal was to create a quality post that could be of value to you, the reader. Once a week had worked well back those 9+ years ago. It felt right to return to that format.

Quality vs quantity.

Having written that simple phrase, has me wondering now what other areas of my life might benefit from a similar perspective. I have a feeling I’m writing this post as much for myself, as I am for you!

Are there any aspects of your life that might benefit from a perspective of quality enrichment? Do share! Leave a note in the comments below to let me know!

Looking ahead, watch for my Marcia’s Meanderings posts every Monday!

In Light and Laughter,



Writing as an Art Form

Hello Dear Ones!

So… you write? Well then… consider yourself an artist!  As a writer (yes, even when just journaling), it was only recently I considered myself an artist. It was my journaling that helped me recognize the artistic value of my various scribblings. Here’s how…

The blank page, whether screen or paper, awaits my verbal drawings upon it. This is my art work ~ the work of words, ink on white. There is a shape to what I draw, a flow to what I craft. There is colour in the meaning behind and within the curls, the dots, the crossed t. There is beauty in the swirls and loops, lines and circles that form. My inner beauty reaching out and letting itself step into the sunlight of this brand new day, this very moment. It feels so preciously alive! Full of hope. Happy. Honest. Filled with potential and purpose.

I’m sitting here smiling as I type: a spontaneous, natural smile radiating up from my toes, flowing through my heart, out my hand, onto the page and into my wee corner of the world… to where you are! Hello! It’s so wonderful to be here with you!

How long has it been since you expressed your artistic self? How does art reveal itself through you when you do open to its passions? Does it fill you with joys and smiles? Does time stop for you? Or, when there is love and passion and creativity present, does time disappear ~ hours gone in the blink of an eye?

Sure hope something I’ve shared today sparks an artistic, creative expression of some form within you!

In Light and Laughter,




A Year in the Life … revealed …

Hello Dear Ones!

Two years ago today, on the Sunday of Canada’s Victoria Day long weekend of 2009, I stepped onto the retreat grounds of Queenswood and an incredible journey began … leading me to write my first book:

A Year in the Life of a Bus-Traveling Poet

It has been – and is still – a magical journey, one in which you, Dear Reader, took an active role … as one of my dearest inspirations! That’s why I thought to stop by today to share this exciting news with you … my book has been published and is now available for sale!  You can check it out here: http://bit.ly/buspoet (paperback) or here: http://amzn.to/buspoet-k (Kindle version)

And, as a tantalizing little bonus for you, a glimpse of one of my very favourite sections: Continue Reading →

Poetry Corner – Sneak Peek

Hello Dear Ones!

Well, June 30th has come and gone. It is now Canada Day – July 1st – and my book is at the printer, having met its deadline!

Here’s a sneak peak, especially for you: a write-up of my bio and a précis of my book – plus the fabulous cover that my hubbie Mike did up for me! Check it out here: Marcia’s New Book. Continue Reading →

Poetry Corner – Poems and Dragonflies

Hello Dear Ones!

Seems that micropoetry (#micropoetry in the Twitter world!) is happily becoming a new past time for me. Short poems, haiku and senryu are all the rage with the folks I follow and who follow me. I wrote about this topic two weeks ago. If you missed that post you might want to take a moment to read it: here.

Just today I discovered (thanks to a new twitter friend) a fabulous website/blog where archives of some of the best twitter poetry are pulled together in the most appealing fashion. Please check out The Dragonfly Collection ~ haiku from Twitter ~ http://dragonflyarchives.wordpress.com/ The site is restful, spiritually nourishing, educational and inspiring! A site definitely worth your time. I’ve now bookmarked them for a daily journey into relaxation and soulful pleasure. Continue Reading →

Poetry Corner – Potential

Hello Dear Ones!

Years ago I bought myself a small spiral notebook and pen to keep in my purse. (BTW: Today, the notebook in my purse is about the 25th such writing journal.) On the very back page of this notebook I began jotting down different topics as they came to me randomly – for use as poems, short stories, or as simple paragraphs that might, someday, find their way into a story. It’s a mere list that looks somewhat like this:

Mashed bananas
The scent of a baby
Fresh ground/fresh brewed coffee
Riding a bicycle
Driving a car
The first pickle in the jar
A hug

My list now has about 350 entries of topics I still might write about – someday. Many have already inspired me to write. Some I have written about and yet I have kept the topic on the list as there are so many ways to express the different facets of that same topic – such as thunderstorms! Each and every storm is unique and pulls emotions from within as varied as the storms themselves!

How do I use this Potential Writings list? Continue Reading →