He Says, She Says… F.E.A.R.

Hello, Dear Reader:

Someone (we’re not sure to whom to give credit) once described fear as an acronym:

F alse
E xpectations
A ctualizing
R eality

We’ve all felt fear from time to time, whether it was a simple case of being startled, an overwhelming sense of dread, or somewhere in between.  So, the question is, can fear be justified?  Not the quick surge of fear that takes us unawares, but the long-standing constant fear that can eat away at our psyche.  After all, fear is always about anticipation of an event, not the result of same.

There’s an old saying that goes something like this (copied from memory, so please forgive any inaccuracies):

Where there is fear
there is danger.
Consequently, where there is no fear
there is no danger.

If the man and the tiger
are not one,
then the tiger may attack
out of fear.

But if the man and the tiger are truly one
then the tiger will not attack.
For what animal
would knowingly attack itself?


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

He Says, She Says… Unraveling the Truth

Hello, Dear reader:

Our ‘He Says, She Says…‘ topic for this week started with one of  the daily ‘Tut quotes‘ (notes from the Universe):

“The truth not only sets you free, it slays all dragons, banishes all fears, connects all dots, and casts a brand new spell over those who’ve yet to see you as I do.

And you already had the world spinning in the palm of your hand…

Careful now,
The Universe

Dwell in truth and you will literally start to glow.”

In reading that quote we thought about another one, this time from Seth:

“I have something to say to each of you, and all of you. In many areas of your lives, you go to learn discipline. You are taught by another and by a teacher and by a great authority. You are taught to become disciplined. In this class, there are other issues involved, and now I will tell you the terrible truth!

“For I am an un-teacher. And an un-teacher un-ravels you, or lets you unravel yourselves, back to the truths of your being. An un-teacher helps you un-learn your ‘discipline.’ An un-teacher, hopefully – and it is a difficult task that I embark upon, playfully – an un-teacher, hopefully, lets you lead yourselves toward the freedom of your being. So, when you are used to discipline, you may, for a while, feel un-done, or without a foundation. And then, when you let your disciplines go, you feel the great foundation of your own being, and its greater freedom.

“There is a purpose to this class, as all of you know, and for all of my talk, you see, you still have not un-learned enough. For when I tell you that you create your own reality, none of you are really sufficiently secure in that belief to take advantage of it as yet; to grasp this great creative freedom of yourselves, and use it to make the life that you presently [live] be the most creative and joyful for yourself and others. And so you give yourselves and others excuses, and you are in this position because of that, or you are in this position because of that person, or because of your background.

“Now, this applies to everyone here, Ruburt included – to each of you. When you thoroughly recognize the majestic freedom of your own being, and your own creative power, then you recognize yourselves as creators, creating your daily life and joyfully helping create the mass experience of the world as you know it. And then, you are ready to say ‘I act out of the full joyful knowledge of my creativity.’ Then you do not blame events or others or circumstances. Then you are able to thank yourselves for the joys of your being, and the glory of your days. You are able to say to the smallest cell within the ear, ‘I give you greeting. I am thankful for our joint creativity: for our eternal knowledge which is ever new.’ . . .

“And your dreams will help you point the way to your own freedom – and they are pointing the way to your own freedom.

“Again, from my reality to yours: if there is one gift that I would give you, it is the reflection of yourselves as I see you, returned to you so that you could sense, as I do, the miraculous joy and freedom, and trust it. If you make mistakes, they are your own mistakes, and you can learn from them. If you make decisions, they are your own decisions you can make new ones. If you are afraid of making decisions, you cannot learn from them.” – Conversations With Seth, Volume II

The ‘truth’ of anything is certainly a huge concept, and more than we can cover in one blog post.  Still, we each wanted to share some of our thoughts on the subject.  However, before reading our ideas, we’d like you to stop for a moment and ask yourself what ‘the truth’ means to you.  Have you unraveled it?  Has it unraveled you in the process?  Or has it made you whole?


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

The Truth About Love

Hi Folks:

I came across this article in my e-mail today.  It’s one that I’ve read several times, and (as with pretty much everything on the http://www.consciouscreation.com site), it’s one I like a lot.  Definitely a site worth visiting.  This particular article can be found here: http://www.consciouscreation.com/journal/articles/F3-TruthLove.htm


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