Marcia’s Meanderings – Stories: A Refresher Course

Hello Dear Ones!

The past few days have been a mixed blend of fabulous moments and reminders to myself that every moment can be fabulous if I choose it to be so.

Even the above statement is less a story I would want to tell others than one that would inspire either of us – you or myself! So rather than a new post on a less than relevant topic, I thought to include here a previous post that truly uplifted me when I wrote it, and then did the same today as I reread it … because I needed it! Here it is … my original take on our He Says/She Says topic The Stories I Tell Myself (copied here for your convenience): Continue Reading →

He Says, She Says…

Greetings, Dear Reader!

Well, with the end of the month falling on a Sunday, we’ve all of a sudden discovered that we had one post to do yesterday, two today and one tomorrow!  We might have to take a break in there somewhere just to allow the keyboards a bit of a rest!

If we look at time as the linear passing of one moment to the next, then it could be said that we have both been walking a ‘spiritual path’ for a very long time.  In some circles that might be cause for veneration, but we both agree that the only question really worth asking from all of this is, “Have we found joy in our discoveries?’  Yes, for the most part we have.  We get better at is as we go, or maybe it’s just that we’re getting better at discovering that it always exists within us.

Of the many books that were written by Seth, Jane Roberts and Robert Butts, the first Seth book we each read was ‘Seth Speaks‘.  In that book ‘he’ wrote:

”Using the inner senses, we become conscious creators, cocreators.” ~ Seth Speaks, session 515.

The very basis of Seth’s teachings, and the teachings of many others can be formed along the lines of: ‘You form your own reality’.  So, taking that in hand we thought that this week we’d turn our minds and our keyboarding fingers toward ‘Conscious Co-Creation‘.


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View.