100 Photos

Hi Folks:

Rather than doing a ‘Photo of the Month’ post for May, I thought I’d profile someone else’s work instead.  Actually, a lot of someones.  A non-profit group in Sweden called ‘ADay.org‘ asked photographers around the world to make photographs on one day – May 15, 2012 – and upload them to the group’s website. Although a day is 24 hours, because of international time zones it actually worked out to a 48-hour period.  Each image had to fit into one of three categories: home, work or connections, and there were various sub-categories for each.  Each photographer was allowed to upload up to 10 images of his/her work.  All of the images will eventually be displayed on the group’s website, and selected images will be put together into a book.

All of the images are currently being gathered, organized, etc. and they’re expecting to launch their full website in June.  In the interim they’ve provided two links: 100 photos and 100 profiles.  The first link shows a selection of 100 images made that day and the second shows profiles of 100 of the photographers who submitted their work.  Clicking on an image will show a larger version, as well as the categories and description of the images (in one of a number of languages!)  Clicking on a profile will show the image(s) uploaded by that photographer and other relevant information.  Those who submitted work run the gamut from the very old to the very young, of every ethnicity, income bracket, etc.  And their images are all personal glimpses into the lives of these people.  People made photographs and described moments of birth, life, death, joy, sadness, work, play, religion, the environment, concerns… the entire panopoly of events, all happening (in the annals of time) more or less simultaneously.

We’ve looked at a number of the images and several of the profiles so far, and we’re amazed both at the diversity and the closeness of the subjects.  A little girl having breakfast in Portugal could be seated in the United States, and grandparents giving their grandson a bath in Japan could be doing the same in England.  It shows us how incredibly diverse we are, and also how much we all share the same hopes and dreams, the same caring for each other.


P.S. You can see our May 15th contributions here:


Photography Apps for Android

Hi Folks:

There are probably enough apps in the world today that if one were to compile a list it would rival the average encyclopaedia for size.  You do remember what an encyclopaedia looks like, don’t you?

I honestly have no idea how many Android apps are available for photographers, and I admit to using only a few of them myself, but I thought I’d start with a couple of suggestions and those who are interested can add their own recommendations in the comments.  I  prefer my digital images ‘uncooked’ so to speak so that I can use the processing power of my computer to tweak them rather than the processing power of my camera (or phone).  Even .jpg images can be processed better in Lightroom, so I tend to start with as few processing options in the camera as possible.  Making images with a cell phone camera poses its own challenges, in part because the files tend to be small, flat and low resolution.  Still, it’s the one ‘camera’ I have with me almost all the time, even when my camera is at home.  So, here are a few of the apps I appreciate (all available from the Google Play Store).  Some are free, and some are a few dollars.  Some offer both versions (with and without advertising). Continue Reading →

Being Poemed

Hi Folks:

Our good friend (and amazing poet) Wendy Morton can sometimes be found at the various branches of the Greater Victoria Public Libraries, ‘poeming’ people.  Basically, she engages the individual in conversation for a few minutes and then she writes a poem about him or her.  We caught up with Wendy at the main library downtown on April 28 and had the chance to be ‘poemed’ by her.  We thought we’d share what she wrote about us, with you…


Now that I’m retired
I have more time to write,
more time to watch the golden finches
fly from the branches of the cherry trees.
And time to walk
time to be quiet.
I go to art galleries,
go to art walks.
What we love most,
is giving away Free Hugs –
we go down to the inner harbour,
give away hugs to people at random.
I’m learning slam poetry.
I’m learning everything!

Wendy Morton
April 28, 2012


We live in a world where people are
so afraid of touch.
How can we live without contact?
We went to the inner harbour.
Two guys on standup paddleboards
came up for free hugs, then
paddled off.  Once a guy got hugged,
went back and got his whole family.
We’ve hugged the whole world.
We’ll keep doing it.

Wendy Morton
April 28, 2012

Thank you, Wendy!


Walking Victoria

Hi Folks:

Spring has been well under way in Victoria for a while now, even though we did have THREE WHOLE DAYS of winter this year… BRRR…  Victoria is often described as having a ‘Mediterranean climate’, but Marcia and I prefer to simply tell people that we live on an island in the Pacific.  Victoria is in somewhat of a rain shadow so we don’t get as much rain as those areas north or west of us, and with the ocean all around us our climate is wonderful pretty much every time of the year.  Okay, okay, I will admit that my first purchase when I moved to Victoria (in a late October) was an umbrella, but I was able to leave the snowblower behind.  It’s a worthwhile trade as far as I’m concerned!

Continue Reading →

Photo of the Month – April

Hi Folks:

Something a little different for April’s photo of the month post.  We’ve had this little cough syrup bottle kicking around for a while now – after it had been emptied I washed it out, removed the label and started using it to grow a stem of bamboo.  Since the bottle had water in it and was sitting on a sunny windowsill I became intrigued by the raised Chinese characters on the side of the bottle so I invested a little time one afternoon making some exposures of the jar.  This one’s my favourite:

Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa cough syrup bottle

Now go out and make some photographs!
