He Says, She Says…


A long time ago Marcia and Mike lived in a world where they both believed there were positive and negative forces in the Universe.  In that world it was common to practice (and to teach others) than when doing any meditative or astral work one should create a bubble of white light around him or herself in order to protect the meditator from those dark forces.  This idea came into focus for them one night at a talk given by a very interesting gentleman.  His talk had all of the right words, but the underlying energy behind them was really not good.  Mike’s response to this was to create a circle of loving energy surrounding all those present; although he had his eyes closed at the time, Marcia saw the speaker’s response to this was to step outside of the circle, remove some herbs from his bag, and with  few words…well, you get the idea.  When Marcia and Mike went home that night everything was fine, but the next day Mike woke up with a high fever, delerious.  He couldn’t walk, could barely stand, and he spent the next few days in bed while Marcia ministered to him.

It was shortly after this event that Marcia and Mike received some teaching on a New Way of Being.  Rather than surrounding themselves with a loving white light, or drawing it in from above or below as others had suggested, they were told simply to imagine a candle in the center of their bodies.  They were to simply allow the light of this candle to flow out from them, gently, in all directions.  They were then to allow this loving light to grow and spread until they literally ‘became’ the candle, and this loving light was flowing out from their entire being.  A candle doesn’t reach out to touch others with its light, it simply is itself, and in being itself its light spreads and illuminates.  In this way the light comes from within, not from without, and rather than being a bubble of protection to keep away those dark energies, it simply transforms them into that same loving light.  As the saying goes, “All of the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of one small candle.”

Well, time went by, their knowledge grew and their understandings of the nature of All That Is changed, and they began to see the world and the universe in which they lived as much bigger, more open and more dynamic than they had once imagined.  As a part of this process they were able both to see the role they had once played in the event above and how their own beliefs had created it.  Furthermore they were able to surrender their beliefs in those negative forces.  As such, the idea of ‘being the candle’ no longer held the same significance for them.

Until one day, several years later, they came up with a different idea about ‘Being the Candle’.

Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

5 Replies to “He Says, She Says…”

  1. Melanie

    Dare I say Mike you seem to be addicted to the meanderings of the mind. Careful or you will be lost for eternity in THAT maze. You will SEE it , and all that 'knowledge' when you BELIEVE it as you already know, not the other way around. There really is nothing to discover, only to create. The mind has an uncanny ability to get intoxicated and lost by the temptation of all those morsels of 'a reality to discover'. ( I know this, I am tempted over and over and over and over again by this one.) The truth is that the closer and closer welook with more and more powerful magnifying glasses and microscopes into 'reality', the further and further we remove ourselves from the 'whole' that simply is 'all of it'. Neither the chicken nor the egg can ever exist without the other. Neither came first. Past, Present, and Future are born from the same moment.


    1. wolfnowl Post author

      Hi Mel, and thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your taking the time to offer your perspective. For me, I believe there are those who are willing to accept what is before them without questioning it, and there are those who stop and ask, 'Why?' or 'How?' Why… the question probably asked most by children, and the question that most vexes parents. "Because I said so" isn't a good enough answer, either! 😉 I've never lost that sense of child-like wonder, and I've never stopped asking why things are as they are, what other possibilities exist, and a myriad of other questions. To you it seems a trap, an endless maze. That's okay, it's not your Way. But it is my Way, or at least a part of it.

      A thought that came to me today was "What if I created myself in the physical (at least partly) in order to learn to 'hear' my Self?" Yes, it has been a long road in some ways, and there have been twists and turns and blind alleys… but my mind is not separate from my Self any more than my finger can be separate from my body. Seth once said, "Creativity is always discontent." My mind is simply one method of exploring, one perspective, one view. It's not the only view that I have, nor is it the only Way that I follow, but it is an essential aspect of who I Am. How can one see a rainbow without noting all the colours? Yes, the whole of All That Is is much more than the sum of its parts, but the whole is contained within each part. To me, to say 'I am God' does not imply that God is me, or that I am all that God is, but that All That I Am, is God.


      1. Melanie

        My point is simply this. What if there was nothing to discover, only things to create. Rosenthal effect is rather potent. ie:You can NEVER remove the observer from affecting what is being observed; therefore, are you experiencing reality and learning what "is"?… or are you really only observing your 'beliefs' milling about, and not learning a damn thing. The more you observe, the more you will always prove yourself right! ( intoxicating and addictive.) Why not learn how to manifest, manipulate, and create, instead of constantly thinking that there are unknowns to discover…maybe they are unknowns to create. Just playing devil's advocate. I LOVE science AND philosophy and discovering the unknown as passionately as you do,….i'm just beginning to think that my mind and ego have perhaps been playing tricks on me. Just 'try' that hat on for a day or two as an experiment.

        1. wolfnowl Post author

          Hi Mel: I see discovery as a creative process in itself. There is no distinction or separation. Or, as Deepak Chopra said, 'The observer is the observed.' Seth once said, “… the first important step is to realize that your beliefs about reality are just that – beliefs about reality and not necessarily attributes of reality. You must make a clear distinction between you and your beliefs. You must then realize that your beliefs are physically materialized. What you believe to be true in your experience is true.” ~ The Nature of Personal Reality, session 621. That's where my interest truly lies.

          To understand something, we believe we need a framework, a set of rules that decide 'this is true, this is not true'. From that we create context. However, once one begins to understand that even the framework is self-created, then there are more and more layers to uncover and no hard or fixed 'rules'. For many this is an uncomfortable place to stand. For me, it's exciting. Every time one sets a stance, one encounters another belief. In one sense everything 'is' and in another nothing 'is'. 'It is' what we believe 'it' to be, for as long as we believe it. In coming to understand the true nature of beliefs comes true freedom. I would suggest that perhaps you might consider why you believe your mind and ego are capable of playing tricks on you. Is this a belief that works for you? Is it one you're happy to continue?



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