Poetry Corner – Opening of the Soul

Hello Dear Ones!

For those of you following me regularly, you’ll know that I am doing a daily journaling under the guidance of a book that arrived in my life with inspiration and laughter. The book is by Iyanla Vanzant and is called “One Day My Soul Just Opened Up“. At the time of this writing I am on Day 13 of a 40 day journey into Self. Such an amazing journey it is!

When I first encountered this book I was enthralled with the poem presented at the beginning – an honouring and dedication of Vanzant’s book to her daughter Gemmia. It is Gemmia’s poem that I am offering to you here for both your enjoyment and for whatever wise gems and enlightenment might arise for you from this young woman’s insight. Continue Reading →

Marcia’s Meanderings – Food: a Love/Hate Relationship

Hello Dear Ones!

My weeks are always so full of adventures and learnings, joy and creativity! This week past was no exception: mountain hiking to view the amazing wildflowers in our area; extensive work on the 4th draft of my upcoming novel; copious micro & haiku poems written (check them out here: Poetry Corner); and my daily journaling as guided by Iyanla Vanzant‘s book: ‘One Day My Soul Just Opened Up’.

There is one more thing that has begun to occupy my time and focus the past two weeks. I mentioned in last week’s post Trusting the Divine to having had a love/hate relationship with food over the course of my lifetime. My weight has fluctuated and varied over the years with the comings and goings of happy, sad and stressful times. I have been as slim as a size 5 and as stout as a 22 1/2. Recently I’ve been registering in at a modest size 15/16, and yet … this is still not a satisfactory comfort zone for me. Continue Reading →

Marcia’s Meanderings – Trusting the Divine

Hello Dear Ones!

What a whirlwind Easter weekend! Fun, occasionally emotional and deeply enlightening. AHA moments all over the place. Check out one of them in my She Says – The Sandbox post.

The other major AHA moment is the one I’ve chosen for this post. Yes, the subject line – Trusting the Divine – tells you the potential intensity of the topic. Intense, yet powerfully uplifting!

It was my Day 3 of the 40 day and 40 night guided inner journey with Iyanla Vanzant’s book: One Day My Soul Just Opened Up that set all of this expansion into action. It is my writings from that particular exercise that I wish to share with you. That and the unique happenings that arose the next morning. Continue Reading →

He Says, She Says…

Hello, Dear Reader:

Welcome to our He Says, She Says post!

Both of us have been undergoing some interesting transformations of late, and this generated some discussion between us late last night.  A part of that was an idea that arose yesterday afternoon, and so we thought we’d address that today.  If you’ve read our He Says, She Says… posts before, you’ll know that we choose a topic together but neither of us reads the other’s post until we’ve both written what we have to say.  This way we don’t influence each other’s thought processes.

So, without further ado, this week we’re going to explore our ideas on ‘The Sandbox’.

Have a great week!


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View