Being Green – Update

Hi Folks:

T.G.I.F. !!

I received two wonderful comments from last Friday’s ‘Being Green‘ post, one from Olivia Khalili in response to my link to a post she had written, and the second from Doug Makaroff, as I had also mentioned his Living Forest Communities project, Elkington Forest.  In his comment Doug said, “I would love to find out more about you and your blog.” and I thought, ‘That’s a fair question.’  Now, if you wander around our blog you’ll find that we write about many different things – food, photography, stories, poetry, spirituality and other things.  I’m not going to get into those but restrict my comments to the ‘Being Green’ category.  So, who am I and why do I do this?  Better yet, why should you bother to read what I write? Continue Reading →

Being Green – Intentional Communities

Hi Folks:

I was going to talk about intentional communities last week but life got in the way.  Actually, last Friday night Marcia and I were at an open meeting to discuss Victoria’s Official Community Plan.  In a way this fits in as sustainability, green building, water and energy are key issues for any OCP.  Vancouver has recently gone through a similar process, as are other cities around the world.

A topic like ‘intentional communities’ is vast, certainly more than can be contained in one writing (even if that writing was a book), and the idea of an intentional community means many different things to many different people.  However, since I’m writing this I get to define some of the parameters at least, and others are most welcome to continue the discussion in the comments below.  Let’s break this down into its components: intention and community. Continue Reading →