Photo of the Month… August

Hi Folks:

In a fit of madness a couple of weeks ago, Marcia and I made a last minute decision to run away to Tofino for the weekend.  We wrote more about that journey here: Eating Our Way Through… Tofino!  We had a lovely, relaxing weekend with a lot of walking and more than a few images.  I haven’t yet looked at all of the images I made that weekend, but Marcia and I narrowed the ones I had processed down to six, then three.  Of those, I selected this one because it sums up most completely the feeling we had of being there, walking the beaches, rising and ebbing with the tides…  This is a 3-image HDR composite, joined together using Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 and finished off in Lightroom 5.

Chesterman Beach, Bull Kelp

Chesterman Beach, Bull Kelp

Now go out and make some photographs!


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