Hello, Dear Reader:
Well, today is Hallowe’en, in this part of the world at least. For children and adults alike it’s an opportunity to dress up in costume, to put on a mask and to go out ‘trick or treating’. It can be fun or frightening, or maybe a little of both. We decorate our houses and our schools and our businesses in ways that either venerate or mock those departed, ghosts, witches and the like, and it gives us an opportunity to participate – individually and en masse – in our own ‘inversion’ rituals‘. That covers one day of the year, but what about the other 364? What about the masks we show ourselves and each other throughout the rest of the year?
For this week’s ‘He Says, She Says…‘ post we discuss “The Masks We Wear“.
Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View
Bless you both…
Your courage and light reveals the heart of Godness you are, you shine as beacons, and All-That-Is glistens within the dance of your love.