Poetry Corner – Cosmically Dancing

Hello Dear Ones!

Today I am honouring a very dear e-friend – an amazing woman who continuously delights me with her upbeat and spiritual ways. She shares the deepest and richest of glows from her inner being to all around her. Wise and witty, playful and boldly brash when she needs to be, Nardine Neilson is a valued member of several forums of which Mike is an active member and I – well, I’m a lurker. Mike will notice a post or topic that he thinks might appeal to me and sends it my way. I usually respond and so am known to the groups. It is in this fashion that Nardine and I have since communicated more deeply the past many months.

The following is a poem that Nardine posted to the Astral Projection and Medaphysics Forum on April 30, 2010. She blessed me with the permission to publish it here for your enjoyment. What a powerfully spiritual piece!

cosmically dancing

moment to moment
feeling to feeling
breathing allowing
each moment revealing

reforming the thoughts
that separate from
the unified oneness
to which I belong

embracing the love
that lightens my soul
trusting its guidance
connecting the whole

for all that I am
and ever will be
love is the flame
by which I can see

each present moment
a gift to behold
jewels in the making
like shimmering gold

as gratitude flows
happiness wells
in feelings of peace
contentment dwells

pure and divine
eternal we are
cosmically dancing
as magical stars

weaving and waving
in wonderous ways
enlightening heaven
as consciousness plays

By Nardine Neilson

Deepest appreciations, Nardine! Blessings be to you, woman!

To you all, may you create the most amazing, playful and productive week you can imagine!

In Light and Laughter,


2 Replies to “Poetry Corner – Cosmically Dancing”

  1. Nardine

    Dearest Angel… sweet sister of d'light,

    You honour me, and I am humbled by your loving grace and heart…

    Bless you with love, light and laughter,

    1. Marcia Mae Nelson Pedde Post author

      Sweet Nardine! Your poem is spiritually uplifting. It is current and the words are gifted. Love weaves all through it. Bless you for sharing it with those who read here. Thank you for this precious gift – of it and of you!
      In Light and Laughter, Marcia


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