Writing as an Art Form

Hello Dear Ones!

So… you write? Well then… consider yourself an artist!  As a writer (yes, even when just journaling), it was only recently I considered myself an artist. It was my journaling that helped me recognize the artistic value of my various scribblings. Here’s how…

The blank page, whether screen or paper, awaits my verbal drawings upon it. This is my art work ~ the work of words, ink on white. There is a shape to what I draw, a flow to what I craft. There is colour in the meaning behind and within the curls, the dots, the crossed t. There is beauty in the swirls and loops, lines and circles that form. My inner beauty reaching out and letting itself step into the sunlight of this brand new day, this very moment. It feels so preciously alive! Full of hope. Happy. Honest. Filled with potential and purpose.

I’m sitting here smiling as I type: a spontaneous, natural smile radiating up from my toes, flowing through my heart, out my hand, onto the page and into my wee corner of the world… to where you are! Hello! It’s so wonderful to be here with you!

How long has it been since you expressed your artistic self? How does art reveal itself through you when you do open to its passions? Does it fill you with joys and smiles? Does time stop for you? Or, when there is love and passion and creativity present, does time disappear ~ hours gone in the blink of an eye?

Sure hope something I’ve shared today sparks an artistic, creative expression of some form within you!

In Light and Laughter,




Write On!

Hello Dear Ones!

It feels good to be here… with you. No cell phone. No checking on other’s words, thoughts, influences, impact. Just me. Just here. Just now. With you. Yes, it feels very good to be here.

In yesterday’s post: Yes, Most Definitely! I revealed my daily writing exercise called Morning Pages. Back on July 24th, 2019, I made a commitment to myself to awaken at an early hour, and before breakfast, before opening my cell phone ~ even before coffee! ~ I write. That first day I intended to write the recommended 3 pages. You’ll likely hear the chuckle in my voice as I share with you that I actually wrote 7 pages! Once I got started, I just kept writing… it felt so good, so right! A year later, as I reread my words, I was fascinated with how often, in those 7 pages, I wrote the phrase: ” It feels so good to be here!”

Keeping this post brief today, I’d like to share a snippet of what I recorded that memorable day:

I’m writing. I’m writing for me. I’m writing to hear what I have to say. I am writing to honour me. I’m writing to connect my head and my heart and my hand… spreading it all out… moving it from inside to the outer extension of me via a thread of ink onto paper. Movement outward into being. What a sweet visual ~ both literally and figuratively.

The space beneath my hand is white with hope and purpose and potential… playfulness with power in the process, and filled with promise for this newly-forming day.

Yes, it truly does feel good to be here this morning!

As I close out for today, I’m sharing a phrase I now commonly use as a salutation: Write On!

Hopefully something I’ve shared today inspires you to do just that… to Write On!

In Light and Laughter,


(By the way: I’ve not missed a single day of writing since… that’s a consecutive 573 days!)




Marcia’s Meanderings ~ Most Definitely!

Hello Dear Ones!

In a world where possibility and probability have become buzz words, where potential is highly praised yet expectation remains in question, where receiving product just on time rather than ahead of schedule is the norm ~ wouldn’t it be delicious to make room for: Most Definitely! Why Certainly! Absolutely!

Rather than building in contingencies for problems, limitations, setbacks and just-in-case scenarios ~ resulting in a greater probability of encountering them by the very matching of that same energy ~ how be we grow, develop and come to expect the very best of everyone, the power of teamwork, and the perfection of an idea, a dream ~ and live into its fulfillment by choice and by design!

In Light and Laughter,


He Says, She Says… Moving Day

Hello, Dear Reader:

Things have been a little quiet lately here in our little corner of the ‘net, but since we have three or four blog posts to do, let’s see if we can’t change that!  This ‘He Says, She Says…‘ post is going to be primarily a ‘He Says’, but as always Marcia gets the final edit.  I have an idea for this blog post but  I’m  having a little difficulty forming words around it; be patient and we’ll get there.

As the old saying goes, “You won’t recognize the house when you come to visit; we’ve moved.”  Actually Sunday and Monday were primarily occupied in getting our ‘stuff’ over to the new house.  Moving is nothing new for Marcia and me; so far, in the years we’ve been a couple we’ve occupied 17 different homes – together or separately.  Last summer the folks at Victoria’s Boulevard magazine asked people to submit entries of 300 words or less on the subject of ‘home’; I wrote in and told them that Marcia would say I couldn’t write anything in 300 words to save my life, but the concept of ‘home’ has been an interesting one for us.  We’ve each been planning to come here to Victoria for quite a number of years, even before we met, and we’re rather liking the idea that we don’t plan to move again.  The editors at Boulevard were kind enough to include my letter (edited for length!) in their recent 2010 Home Design Annual. Continue Reading →

He Says, She Says… Being or Doing?

Hello, Dear Reader:

There’s a saying:

“There are only 168 hours in a week, no matter your age, how much money you make, what you’ve invested, how attractive you are, or how much information you can access on the Internet. No exemptions. Your quality of life is a function of how you chose to spend that time.” ~ Bill Bachrach, in “Values-based Financial Planning”.

Time is a funny thing. We can’t make time, lose time, or really, even waste time.  What we ‘do’ with those 168 hours each week is a matter of choice that each of us makes, as much as some seem to want to try to squeeze more time out of the clock.  A ‘few’ years ago, a coworker had a sign in his office that read, “We are becoming human doings, rather than human beings.” We’re certainly not the first to deal with this idea, as we’re joining the ranks of people like Neale Donald Walsch and Eckhart Tolle.

With that in mind we thought we’d make the topic of this week’s He Says, She Says… post, “Being or Doing?”


Follow these links to read what He Says/She Says: Marcia’s View / Mike’s View

He Says, She Says… Embracing Perfection

Hello, Dear Reader:

What does it mean to be ‘perfect’?  To some this appellation implies a ‘best possible’, whether it be a perfect day, a perfect moment, a perfect meal…  To others perfection can only be a goal, something that can never be achieved or attained.  As such there are those who would suggest we not even try.  In his book ‘The Bridge Across Forever‘, author Richard Bach described his search and failure to find what he considered to be the ‘perfect woman’.  He eventually came to realize that his goal was an impossible dream, that his perfect woman was, in his words, ‘a peacock’.  When he surrendered this dream he found instead the love of his life, Leslie Parrish. Continue Reading →

Poetry Corner – Potential

Hello Dear Ones!

Years ago I bought myself a small spiral notebook and pen to keep in my purse. (BTW: Today, the notebook in my purse is about the 25th such writing journal.) On the very back page of this notebook I began jotting down different topics as they came to me randomly – for use as poems, short stories, or as simple paragraphs that might, someday, find their way into a story. It’s a mere list that looks somewhat like this:

Mashed bananas
The scent of a baby
Fresh ground/fresh brewed coffee
Riding a bicycle
Driving a car
The first pickle in the jar
A hug

My list now has about 350 entries of topics I still might write about – someday. Many have already inspired me to write. Some I have written about and yet I have kept the topic on the list as there are so many ways to express the different facets of that same topic – such as thunderstorms! Each and every storm is unique and pulls emotions from within as varied as the storms themselves!

How do I use this Potential Writings list? Continue Reading →